Eating To Feel Good

Where are all my mindful eaters at? And where are all my blueberry muffin and chip eaters at? Both groups, actually sounds really good right now. However me being a plant based eater most of the time, cheetos and blueberry muffins containing cow milk, just isn't the move for me! But like I said both options sound equally as good, I'd just have to swap out the ingredients. Well... now that I have your undivided attention... I mean I hope so ,let's have a quick chat about how your eating habits effects how you feel. A lot of people are unaware as to the importance of healthy eating.Or maybe they know, but still decide to eat things they know causes more harm than it would ever cause any good. Yeah you may feel good in the moment, but that's just that. YOU'LL FEEL GOOD IN THAT MOMENT. Eating harmful foods, not only does a great deal of damage to your inner being , but also to your outer being as well. Eating healthy shouldn't just be done to lose weight to only be able to fit into that nice outfit for that ONE occasion, but it should be done for every occasion! This message is for both women and men, so to all you "men" out there that love to shame women, knowing that YOU yourself could take the advice, that you think you're giving, listen up. I need you, most of all to listen so set that worn out ego to the side, I promise I could change your life, if you allow me in. And if you don't I'll just barge my way through the *got dang* doors, cause I'm tired of people killing their digestive system all in the name of Mcdonald's. I rememeber back in freshman year of Highschool, I took a Business and Marketing Financing Class. Thank you mom for signing me up for that class, even though I kept telling you "I think you made a big mistake, freshman year is meant for freshman's to have fun not learn about business". WTF! I thought my mom had it out for me, like she usually did to be honest. But I gained a lot of knowledge. [I learned that most people will invest into anything that's brings in big rewards.] See I wanted to play with the big boys. I wanted to franchise a Mcdonald's not because I liked it, but because of the shiny pennies it would bring me. Then the second semester of freshman year hit, and I suddenly caught a bad case of digestion issues. WTF. STILL dealing with these issues due to things like stress, I cringed when I thought that I would ever invest into Mcdonalds. You'd be surprsied at how many vegans/plant based eaters invest their money into places like Mcdonalds. Anyways.... is Mcdonalds still even a thing, you know what apparently it is, because my mom continues to eat there even though she's a type II diabetic. Make that make sense! Have you ever wondered why you felt sad or mad immediately after eating a double cheese burger? Or maybe you've noticed a few times after eating something unhealthy you stayed in bed for the rest of the day, knowing you had a whole to-do list to knock off? Either way you're not crazy, the foods you put in your body are designed to effect your mood. So if you tend to always feel happy after eating a fruit salad, then just know that "yes you made the right decision" to not demolish that chocolate truffle cake knowing you had a meeting later, and you needed to be in a good mood, because you knew you had a couple of investors to impress.


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