
Showing posts from March, 2022

Eating To Feel Good

Where are all my mindful eaters at? And where are all my blueberry muffin and chip eaters at? Both groups, actually sounds really good right now. However me being a plant based eater most of the time, cheetos and blueberry muffins containing cow milk, just isn't the move for me! But like I said both options sound equally as good, I'd just have to swap out the ingredients. Well... now that I have your undivided attention... I mean I hope so ,let's have a quick chat about how your eating habits effects how you feel. A lot of people are unaware as to the importance of healthy eating.Or maybe they know, but still decide to eat things they know causes more harm than it would ever cause any good. Yeah you may feel good in the moment, but that's just that. YOU'LL FEEL GOOD IN THAT MOMENT. Eating harmful foods, not only does a great deal of damage to your inner being , but also to your outer being as well. Eating healthy shouldn't just be done to lose weight to o...

what I'm learning from starting from the bottom

When starting from the ground up, it teaches you to nourish the soil.Because soil that goes unwatched shows in the growth process. Any and everything starts with action, and consistent action leads to success one way or another. I found myself expecting to see returns in my work,but I wasn't putting in enough time, which led to the term "audacity". It's like you wanting to be an artist knowing that your favorite artist draws for atleast five hours, and then reads about art for an additional three plus hours, but instead you only seem to draw for thirty minutes and still continues to read a page a day. How can you expect to be an artist if you can't even put in the work. Why though?..... have you not mastered the art of time management or is it the fear of going all in? Is it the fear of embarking on a journey of the unknown? Or is it the long nights staring at the ceiling, while feeling terror creep up your knees, of you not knowing if this is all for not...